Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday, May 27th

This morning was a rough one. When my mom and I arrived on 7th floor at about 9:00 a.m., Dad's nurse told us that his temperature had risen all the way up to 40.2 degrees centigrade, or 104.4 degrees fahrenheit with Tylenol. The medical staff countered this by placing a water-cooled blanked underneath Dad's covers to help lower his core body temperature. It worked well and by the end of the afternoon he was back down to 98.8 degrees. Dr. Klesney-Tait decided to take Dad off of all his antibiotics except for the one fighting off the Uriaplasma infection in his back. Once again he was very drowsy and fairly unresponsive when we first got to the hospital, but once the temperature began to regress and the afternoon wore on, he was wide awake. At this point he decided he wanted to watch one of his DVD's of an Eric Clapton concert. Shortly after this, however, he began complaining about a constant pain in his lower abdomen and explained to us that he felt like he had to urinate, but was unable to. His nurse checked his urine sample and said that something didn't look right in it, so she sent it in to be tested for an infection. So at this point, we are waiting for that sample to culture, as a urinary or bladder infection seems to be a strong possibility.


  1. Want to be a smarta-- and tell Fag to get with the program--but know that he is having a tough time and am not making light of it at all!!!!!
    As before, Hippie and I think about you daily. Know that we are wanting to visit, but am unsure--don't want to add any troubles. Know Hippie would be glad to hear from Karen and ok a visit for us.
    Will wait to hear from you, and prayers are with you.

  2. Karen looks like things are going better than Sunday-hope all keeps going better and you get some rest.It was good seeing you both. Til next time

  3. Hi Mike. I have been trying to leave a comment for a couple days but I am also not very "tech savvy." You always ask about Janet and Joe. Janet is doing fine and Joe is doing better but still has a long recovery ahead. Work hard at this Mike because we have a lot of golf to play in the future. Heidi and Jason...your Dad must be very proud of you!! Karen....I didn't know you and Dianne were friends growing up. You two are in my prayers. Bob Mahan
